Home of the Maassters

Welcome! You are visiting the webpage that summarizes the research activities of Robert Maaß. Our research investigates exciting phenomena that arise when dimensions of crystalline metals are reduced to the micron- or nano-scale, as well as the properties of nano-scale flow defects in metallic glasses. Why is such research important? The insights gained from our work improves fundamental understanding of how metals deform, and can help us to develop state-of-the-art electronic technology, improve reliability of micro- and nanoelectromechanical devices, or lead to the development of new metallic materials. For you, specifically, this means for example that your IPhone becomes more scratch resistance. Our research is thus combining fundamentals with technology. Enjoy exploring our activities.

Visit my official webpages at the Materials Engineering Department at BAM, the Technical University of Munich, or the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UIUC.

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