
At the Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM)

Birte Riechers, staff scientist, formerly Adolf Martens Fellow, Marie Curie Fellow
Metallic glasses, relaxation dynamics

Andrea Fantin, postdoc
Chemically-complex alloys, x-ray methods

Yuki Ikeda, postdoc
Electron microscopy, LME

Seungchang Han, postdoc
Steels, LME

Dalibor Preisler, postdoc
Metastable Ti-alloys, shape-memory alloys

Varalakshmi Somarouthu, graduate student
High-entropy alloys, phase stability

Reza Rashidi, graduate student
Metallic glasses, relaxation and rejuvenation

Andrew Lum, undergraduate
Glass dynamics


At the Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM)

Visiting faculty: Peter Derlet (Paul Scherrer Institute), Mo Li (Georgia Tech, Alexander von Humboldt Awardee), Yonghao Sun (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Postdoctoral scholars: Zengquan Wang, Sydney Corona

Graduates: Yuki Ikeda (BAM), Adnan Fareed (Microchip Technology)

Undergraduates: Laura Klusendorf

At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Visiting faculty: Chansun Shin (Myongji University, Korea)

Postdoctoral scholars: Stefan Kuechemann (Technical University of Kaiserslautern)

Graduates: Quentin Rizzardi (Exponent), Yuki Ikeda (BAM), Amlan Das (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source) Chaoyang Liu (Exponent), Gregory Sparks (Ohio State University, Air Force Research Laboratory), Pascal Birckigt (Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision)

Undergraduates: Catherine Ott, Zan Hitchens, Jose Mancias, Jacob Maher, Alex Prather, Xinbo Xia, Jeremy Shin, Carol Lin, Daniel Rosenthal, John Shimanek, Wuwen Wang, Jason Long, Emily Lindgren, Phil Kagebein, Perry Ross, Mitchell Schroeder, Derek Kwok, William Scott Larson

At the University of Göttingen (2013-2015)

Dominik Tönnies, PhD student
Size-dependent mechanical properties of metallic glasses
Co-supervised with Prof. C.A. Volkert

Ali Ahmadian, bachelor student
Nanomechanical characterization of metallic glass ribbons

Pascal Birckigt, bachelor student
Structure of shear bands in bulk metallic glasses

At Caltech (2011-2012)

Lucas Meza, graduate student
Mechanical characterization of dislocation free nanocrystals
Co-supervised with Prof. J.R. Greer

Matthew Wraith, undergraduate student from UIUC (Dahmen Group)
Avalanche scaling in small scale crystals

At ETH Zurich (2009-2011)

David Klaumunzer, PhD student
Shear-band dynamics in bulk metallic glasses
Co-supervised with Prof. J.F. Löffler

Gaetan Villard, master student
Arrest and aging of shear bands in bulk metallic glasses

Peter Thurnheer, master student and PhD student
Shear-band dynamics in bulk metallic glasses
Co-supervised with Prof. J.F. Löffler

Eva Preiß, bachelor student
Stick-slip behavior of shear bands in bulk metallic glasses

Peter Fuchs, bachelor student
Casting and crystallization of bulk metallic glasses

At PSI (2005-2009)

Martin Jensen, master student
In-situ Laue experiments at the Swiss Light Source